115+ Movie Trivia Questions and Answers


Trivia questions are a really good source to check someone’s interest in a particular thing and even a test for you as well that how much you are into anything. And when it come to movies most of us really love the movies so why not a movie trivia question and answer sessions. Here we will present you movie trivia question and answers.

Movie trivia question and answers
Movie trivia question and answers

Here we present you some of the movie trivia questions and answers:

  1. What James Hilton effort became the first Pocket Book, in 1939?

    A: Lost Horizon.

  2. What martial artist warbles the theme song for Walker, Texas Ranger?

    A: Chuck Norris.

  3. The cowboy doll Woody in Toy Story who is background vocals of him?

    A: Tom Hanks.

  4. What rock star got his aristocratic nickname in high school for his royal behavior?

    A: “Duke” Ellington.

  5. What talk show hostess gave her guests the fewest opportunities to speak, according to a 1996 MSU survey?

    A: Oprah Winfrey.

  6. Which soap brand featured Kevin Kline?

    A: Search for Tomorrow.

  7. What book did E.B. White wrote on his personal experience at his farm?

    A: Charlotte’s Web.

  8. What was the dialogue before these words (Land that I love) in Irving Berlin tune?

    A: “God Bless America”.

  9. Who was monster bestseller (Never Say Diet)?

    A: Richard Simmons.

  10. Who was the first solo female host of the Oscars?

    A: Whoopi Goldberg.

  11. Who died last – Lucille Ball or William Frawley?

    A: Lucille Ball.

  12. What Stephen Foster tune encourages racing enthusiasts to (bet on de bay)?

    A: Camptown Races.

  13. Who is the most voluptuous female in Toontown?

    A: Jessica Rabbit.

  14. Who was in the Anne Rice first denounce, then praise in the role of her beloved Lestat from the famous script?

    A: Tom Cruise.

  15. Who sang (Things Go Better With Coke) in 1969?

    A: Ray Charles.

  16. For which movie Tom Hanks nominated third time in Oscars, 1996?

    A: Apollo 13.

  17. What Marx Brother’s name spelled backwards for a talk show host?

    A: Harpo’s.

  18. What first ever video of Michael Jackson cost over $150,000?

    A: Beat It.

  19. Which tune that was guitar base of the star spangled banner was featured in TV ad in 1996?

    A: Jimi Hendrix’s.

  20. From which 1961’s movie the note is: (Personally, I think it’s a bit tacky to wear diamonds before I’m 40)?

    A: Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

  21. What is the name of Han Solo’s ship?

    A: Millennium Falcon

  22. What is the famous weapon used by Jedi Knights in star wars series?

    A: Light saber

  23. Which young Jedi Knight becomes Darth Vader in Star Wars?

    A: Anakin Skywalker

  24. What medicine man presided over the attempt to make a roast of Han Solo in star wars?

    A: Logray

  25. Lando Clarissian’s operation on Cloud City mines what type of gas used in this operation as a weapon?

    A: Tibanna gas

  26. What does AT-AT stand for in star wars series?

    A: All Terrain-Armored Transport

  27. What is the battle armor used by Boba Fett in star wars series?

    A: Mandalorian

  28. Which starship was used to upgrade Han Solo’s beloved Millennium Falcon?

    A: The YT-1300 stock light freighter

  29. Write complete dialogue from the star wars movie series: “The __ Wastes are not to be traveled lightly.”

    A: Jund land

  30. Who was the Senator Palpatine’ Precede as Chancellor of the Galactic Senate?

    A: Chancellor Valorum

  31. How many engines are on an X-wing fighter?

    A: 4

  32. Bail Organa is Princess Leia’s adoptive father. What is her adoptive mother’s name?

    A: Queen Breha Organa

  33. What David Lynch movie did a few scenes from Bobby Vinton’s life story?

    A: Blue Velvet.

  34. What was famous from (Ladies Love Cool James)?

    A: L.L. Cool J.

  35. Who once hijacked a bull when he’d had too much to drink?

    A: Otis Campbell.

  36. What Francis Ford Coppola movie has this dialogue: (Horror has a face, and you must make a friend of horror)?

    A: Apocalypse Now.

  37. Which war movie won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2009?

    A. The Hurt Locker.

  38. What was the name of the second Indiana Jones movie, released in 1984?

    A. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

  39. Which actor starred in the 1961 movie The Hustler?

    A. Paul Newman.

  40. In which year were the Academy Awards, or (Oscars), first presented?

    A. 1929

  41. (After all, tomorrow is another day!) is the last line from which movie that won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1939?

    A. Gone with the Wind.

Fun quiz questions and answers on funny movies
Fun quiz questions and answers on funny movies

Here we present you some fun movie questions and answers:

  1. What Sinatra signature tune became Elvis Presley’s best-selling posthumous hit?

    A: My Way.

  2. Who is the most voluptuous female in Toontown?

    A: Jessica Rabbit.

  3. Which movie of Arnold was first nominated in Oscars?

    A: Terminator 2.

  4. What Stephen Foster tune encourages sports (bet on de bay)?

    A: Camptown Races.

  5. What James Hilton effort became the first Pocket Book, in 1939?

    A: Lost Horizon.

  6. What jazz musician got his aristocratic nickname upon his manners?

    A: “Duke” Ellington.

  7. What talk show hostess gave her guests the fewest opportunities to speak, according to a 1996 MSU survey?

    A: Oprah Winfrey.

  8. Which daytime soap featured Kevin Kline?

    A: Search for Tomorrow.

  9. What infomercial diet guru penned the monster bestseller (Never Say Diet)?

    A: Richard Simmons.

  10. Who was the first solo female host of the Oscars?

    A: Whoopi Goldberg.

  11. Who did: (It’s a good thing)?

    A: Martha Stewart.

  12. What Briton had most number of number one singles issued in U.S magazine?

    A: John Lennon.

All time favorite movie trivia questions and answers
All time favorite movie trivia questions and answers

Here we present you all time favorite movie trivia question and answer:

  1. Who is Luke and Leia’s mother?

    A: Padmé Amidala

  2. Which movie features Bruce Willis as John McClane, a New York police officer, taking on a gang of criminals in a Los Angeles skyscraper on Christmas Eve?

    A: Die Hard

  3. What is the name of the hobbit played by Elijah Wood in the Lord of the Rings movies?

    A: Frodo Baggins

  4. Which actress plays Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games movies?

    A: Jennifer Lawrence

  5. Who rejoined the other geezers for a 1996 album?

    A: Mike Nesmith.

  6. What Francis Ford Coppola movie sees Marlon Brando blather: (Horror has a face, and you must make a friend of horror)?

    A: Apocalypse Now.

  7. What David Lynch movie expecting to see Bobby Vinton’s life story?

    A: Blue Velvet.

  8. Who is famous for hijacking bull when he was drunk

    A: Otis Campbell.

  9. Who was the first feline featured in Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous?

    A: Morris the Cat.

  10. Judy Garland starred as Dorothy Gale in which classic movie?

    A: The Wizard of Oz

  11. From which kingdom frozen girls belong to in animated movie frozen?

    A: Arendelle

  12. Which 1997 science fiction movie starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones tells the story of a secret agency that polices alien refugees who are living on earth disguised as humans?

    A: Men in black

  13. Which English actor won the 2014 Academy Award for best actor for his role in The Theory of Everything?

    A: Eddie Redmayne

  14. In which 1984 science fiction movie did Linda Hamilton play the role of Sarah Connor?

    A: The Terminator

  15. Which classic thriller movie stars Roy Schieder as the police chief Martin Brody?

    A: Jaws

  16. Which 1952 musical comedy tells the story of three performers making the transition from silent movies to (talkies)?

    A: Singing in the rain

  17. Which English director was responsible for the epic movie Gladiator in 2000?

    A: Ridley Scott.

  18. In which movie did Julia Roberts play a kind-hearted prostitute called Vivian Ward?

    A: Pretty woman

  19. Who played Jack Dawson in the 1997 epic Titanic?

    A: Leonardo DiCaprio.

  20. Jedi Council consists of how many members?

    A: 12

  21. Why didn’t Yoda train Luke Skywalker?

    A: Because he lacked patience

  22. What invisible power binds the whole galaxy together according to star wars movie?

    A: The Force

  23. Who are the masters of the Dark Side who want to rule the galaxy?

    A: The Sith

  24. Last legendary dialogue of The Empire Strikes Back is?

    A: “May the Force be with you.”

  25. What animals did the visual effects crew in Imperial Walkers from the Empire state?

    A: Elephants

  26. In the star wars series, which country was the home base for principal photography on Revenge of the Sith?

    A: Australia

  27. Which Star Wars movie was the first to be shot entirely with high-definition cameras, the most high tech one?

    A: Attack of the Clones

  28. What U.S. magazine declared Star Wars “the year’s best movie” in its May 30, 1977, issue?

    A: Time

  29. On Dagobah in the cave after defeating Darth Vader, who does Luke see behind the mask?

    A: Himself

  30. How does Darth Vader plan to capture Luke?

    A: Freeze him

  31. What bounty hunter captures Han Solo?

    A: Boba Fett

  32. Who is he taking him to?

    A: Jaba the Hutt

  33. What animals attach themselves to the Millennium Falcon?


  34. What is Yodaʼs last name?

    A: He doesn’t have one

  35. Which Tom Hanks movie won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1994?

    A: Forest Gump

  36. Who directed the epic historical drama Schindler’s List in 1993?

    A: Steven Spielberg.

  37. Who was the first African American actor to win the Academy Award for Best Actor?

    A: Sidney Poitier for his role in Lillies of the Field in 1963.

  38. Who is Darth Tyranus also known as?

    A: Count Dooku

  39. Whose DNA were the clones made from?

    A: Jango Fett

  40. Before he left the jedi, who was Count Dookuʼs padawan?

    A: Qui-Gon-Jinn

  41. The geonosians planned to make which secret weapon?

    A: The Death Star

  42. Which star of Revenge of the Sith is the real-life nephew of Denis Lawson?

    A: Ewan McGregor

  43. What substance powers light sabers, according to Star Wars legend in star wars movie series?

    A: Ilum crystals

  44. How much does the Chewbacca costume weigh?

    A: 8 pounds (3.6 kilograms, ½ stone)

  45. In which episode Yoda did not make an appearance and this is the only time when he was not in the episode?

    A: Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope

  46. Padmé Amidala is first queen of, and then the senator from, what peaceful planet?

    A: Naboo

  47. How many bounty hunters are on the Executor when the rebels are hiding in the astroid field? (Bonus for each one named)

    A: 6 (Boba Fett, Dengar, Zukuss, 4-LOM, Bossk, IG-88)

  48. What was launched at the beginning of the movie from the Executor?

    A: Probe Droids

  49. Where does Yoda live?

    A: Dagobah

  50. What do Han and Luke ride in the Snow on Hoth?

    A: Tauntaum

  51. Who lead the army of clones to save the remaining jedi in the coliseum when it was in great danger?

    A: YODA

  52. Who is Jango Fettʼs “Son”?

    A: Boba Fett

  53. Who ordered to create clones, which jedi master was behind this order?

    A: Syfo Dyas

  54. Who was also known as Darth Sidious?

    A: Palpatine

  55. Who was the Sith, who believed in manipulating life and death when everyone was against it, that was killed in his sleep by his apprentice?

    A: Darth Plagueis (the Wise)

  56. Who Said (The Jedi turned against me! Don’t you turn against me too!)?

    A: Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker

  57. What is the General Grievousʼ Flagshipʼs name?

    A: The Invisible Hand (not in the Movie)

  58. What does Padme name her two children before her death?

    A: Luke and Leia

  59. How Obi-Wan kill general Grievous?

    A: He shoots him five times in the stomach

  60. Name the four Jedi Masters that Darth Sidious kills.

    A: Kit Fisto, Mace Windu ,Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin

  61. Which separatist leader was killed by Darth Vader?


  62. Who do Obi-Wan and Yoda give Leia to?

    A: Bail Organa

  63. What was the reaction of Padme when the Senate cheers for Palpatine after declaring himself Emperor of a new Empire?

    A: “So this is how liberty dies, with a thunderous applause”

  64. What Color is Mace Winduʼs lightsaber, and what major character does he kill?

    A: Amethyst, purple. Jango Fett

  65. What was the name of the planet that the clones were made on?

    A: Kamino

  66. What is the name of the Geonosian leader in the arena?

    A: Poggle (the Lesser)


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